It's a plea that many people make at some point in their lives: help me quit smoking cigarettes! But how dedicated are those people, and how much work are they willing to do? Those are important questions, because people who aren't really interested in quitting smoking generally aren't going to quit. Even when people have been through health scares or serious problems with their health that are most likely related to smoking, it can be hard for them to quit. Addiction is very powerful, but it's possible to break that addiction for good if a person is dedicated.

When people know they should quit smoking but they really don't want to quit, there's little that anyone else can do for them. Threats, bribery, and other means don't generally work. It's only when a person decides that he or she is ready to quit that the real work can begin. At that point, the person knows that quitting is necessary, and there is a desire to quit. That desire is what makes all the difference. When there is a dedication to quitting smoking and living a healthier life, it's possible for the person who needs to quit smoking to move forward and make positive changes.

That doesn't mean there won't be setbacks. People often have trouble with smoking cessation, even when they're committed to it. It's not easy - but there are tools they can use to help them get through it. Getting help to quit smoking is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of a person who's taking his or her health seriously. When you decide to focus on your long term health, choosing not to smoke is one of the best choices you can make. While it won't be easy, it will be worth the effort it takes to become (and remain) smoke free. The desire to smoke will fade, but the benefits of being a nonsmoker will stay with you.

Don't assume you can't do it, even if you've failed in the past. Sometimes people have a few setbacks before they're able to completely conquer their addiction. The important thing is that you keep trying, because that's a good way to see eventual success. Don't let yourself get discouraged when you have a setback. That doesn't mean you can't quit smoking - but it may mean you need to look into a different way to approach the issue.

Quitting smoking is possible, no matter the troubles you've had in the past. If you're dedicated to better health and committed to making a better future for yourself, it's possible for you to give up your addiction to cigarettes. Get the help you need to get started today. You'll be glad you chose the path to a happier, healthier future you can enjoy for a long time. Don't let smoking keep its hold over you any longer. Learn how to stop at

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    Gary here. Just a guy who wants to help you stop smoking!


    July 2012

